Haunted House in Tulsa Oklahoma - Scareist Rated Best by Hauntworld.com
Tulsa Haunted Houses are some of the scariest and best in America! Hauntworld.com rates and reviews the best and Scariest haunted houses, haunted attractions, and Halloween events in America! Hex House is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hex House is one of the best and scariest haunted houses in Oklahoma. Read the full review and story of Hex House in Oklahoma. Please share this page and leave your reviews of one of Oklahoma's best and scariest haunted house. When you find yourself in the Tulsa area go to Hex House.
To learn more about Oklahoma's Hex House visit their websit below:
Hex House hexhouse.com , located in Tulsa Oklahoma, has long been known for being the scariest and best haunted house in Oklahoma but in recent years Tulsa Hex House has burst onto the national scene by receiving recognition as one of the scariest Haunted Houses in America nationwide. HauntWorld.com rated Hex House as one of the 15 Scariest Haunted Houses in The World – America’s Top Rated Haunts- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uIhtoU4hE and Fox News ranked Hex House in Americas 10 Scariest Haunted Houses just to name a few. Hex House has earned its spot as one of the BEST Haunted Houses in America by providing a terrifying experience for its customers.
Tulsa Hex House provides three haunted attractions in one location!

Hex House is inspired by a true story from Tulsa’s dark past. In 1944, Carolann Smith was sentenced to prison for holding two young women under a hypnotic or occult spell for seven years. The police investigation uncovered proof of bondage, spell-casting, mesmerism, hypnotism and a casket buried in the back yard. What these two young girls went through was truly chilling. See full story: http://www.tulsahexhouse.com/about WARNING: Today the Hex House is one of the most extreme haunted attractions in America (not intended for children). Tulsa Hex House is an intense multi-element, walk through haunted attraction. You will be fully submerged in an altered reality that is much darker and less predictable than anything you’ve seen before. As you make your way through the flickering haunted hallways and eerie ghostly rooms of Hex House, you descend from mere creepiness into a full-on, intense nightmare that you won’t soon forget. The gruesome sets have horrific detail. The Actors are allowed to touch you and are trained to truly suspend reality for a moment in time allowing you to experience what real terror is.

WestSide Grim is also inspired by a true story from Tulsa’s haunted past. In the early 1920’s Tulsa opened its first amusement park (Crystal City). It offered patrons Tulsa’s first roller coaster, boat rides, concessions, side shows, a bath house and dance hall. Back then, amusement parks had a seedy side. After dark, concessions sold bootlegged alcohol by the bottle. Vaudeville was the rage and drunken patrons crowed into the dance hall to get their eyes (and often their hands) on Can-Can girls brought in from around the world. Organized crime was prevalent and Tulsa was no exception. For nearly 30 years Crystal City Amusement Park provided West Tulsa with entertainment of all kinds. Rumors and gossip centered around Crystal City until 1950 when the dance hall burned down and mysteriously took most of Crystal City with it. Today Westside Grim is located near if not exactly where the dance hall was located in West Tulsa, and this haunted event is like no other. The haunt is occupied by the West Tulsa Bootlegger; Mondo Grim. Mondo and his band of henchmen come at you from every direction as you walk through the burned down remains of the Bootleggers House, Crystal City Amusement Park and descend into the dark world of WestSide Grim. Experiencing the realistic carnage that Mondo Grim leaves in his wake. WestSide Grim is truly WestSide Scary!

Rise of the Living Dead – Is an indoor walk through zombie apocalypse set in an urban environment. The set design is realistic and has an urgent heart racing vibe. You won’t see masks here. The makeup is amazing! According to Gene Watson, it takes several hours every night to do their zombie makeup, and I believe it. These flesh eating, brain seeking Zombies are a work of art!

We talked in depth with Gene Watson, owner and president of Tulsa Hex House to find out more about the day to day operation.
“Being in the Haunt industry sounds fun, and it is. What most people don’t realize is how much hard work, man hours and sheer expense is involved. To be one of the best haunted houses in American takes commitment. We focus on three things. Quality of haunt design, staffing and promotion. Building a quality haunt and hiring talented actors isn’t enough. You must promote your haunt. We produce quality promotional material like our latest promo video: https://youtu.be/93hNhTvzstA
How many people does it take to operate Tulsa Hex House?
“We have over 65 actors nightly, 9 makeup artists, security, ticket booth, Sound and Lighting and parking lot attendees, so on busy nights our staff can reach triple digits.”
Why do you focus so much on make-up & costumes at your haunted house?
“We do go overboard on makeup and costumes. Our goal is to suspend reality for a moment and provide a truly terrifying experience for our customers. I think it’s hard to do that with a cheap costume and mask. We spend a lot of time on our makeup and costume but it pays off in the end for our customers.”

How important is the Hex House brand?
The brand is so vital we have it trademarked! Hex House is synonymous with horror, terror, fear, shock and panic. It isn’t enough for us to entertain our customers we scare them to create the most terrifying experience possible. We are intentional with everything we do.”
Where do you find all of those great haunt actors?
“Honestly they come to us. We have a great casting director (Steve Palmer) and a lot of veteran Hex House actors that are a wealth of knowledge. These guys know how to get to the fear of our customers, and once they get someone rattled they show no mercy. We have many customers that tap out and ask to leave the haunt early. We call that a job well done. The secret is that we are family and we love what we do!”
Why did you get into the haunt industry?
“I started off like most guys in the haunt game…simply going to haunted houses. I love Halloween and I would take my kids to haunted houses every year. I would always pick a busy Saturday night and go. I loved the long lines. It gave me a couple of hours to hang out with my kids when they were teenagers. It was an opportunity to be eyeball to eyeball with them for a couple hours before the haunt. They would be excited and apprehensive. It was great. Then after the haunt we would go eat and laugh about things that happened. I have five kids. The youngest is 7 and my oldest is 30. I get to spend a lot of time at Hex House with my kids. My son Nick is the General Manager and my other son Tanner works by my side and is instrumental in our success.”
Why is Hex House so successful?
“It’s our crew. They are dedicated to each other. It has been my greatest surprise. We truly are one big dysfunctional family! Our staff loves Hex House and they love working together. They feed from the energy and fear of our customers and provide the best haunt experience in Oklahoma.
For more information about Tulsa Hex House go to: hexhouse.com